About AMPS Software

This is a rough draft, expect this page to be refined significantly over the next few months.

AMPS Software is a small company pushing the bounds of the digital space. Founded by Andrew Mitchell and Pat Stucker, we are a bootstrapped and independent company that is beholden only to ourselves and our customers, not investors and profit. Whilst profit is a goal of every company, it is not our primary motivator, we prefer to think long term, our ultimate driver is to provide the best products and service to our customers.

"If you build it, he will come."
- Ray Kinsella, Field of Dreams

We have our own take on this, we believe "If we build it well, and take good care of our customers, they will come". We are not driven by profit, because we know long-term if we stick to our values we will have plenty of customers.

Our focus is on building a sustainable company. We have no exit strategy, inspired by fellow startups like Doist we are mission-focused on building a sustainable company. As a privately-owned independent company based in Ohio we believe our values and philiosophies are our biggest differentiators. We have outlined these in what we call The AMPS Software Manifesto.

The AMPS Manifesto

In this manifesto we lay out the philiosophies guiding our business. This is a living document, much like The Constitution of The United States, we shall amend this in the future to reflect new philiosophies and to refine and polish the language. We will provide revision history for any signficant changes.